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How To Write A Bio Data For Marriage In 2023

8+ biodata sample for marriage references format Bio data for
8+ biodata sample for marriage references format Bio data for from www.pinterest.com

Marriage is a significant milestone in everyone's life, and the first step towards it is creating a biodata. A biodata is a document that contains your personal details, education, profession, and family background. It is a crucial document that helps in finding a suitable partner in the arranged marriage system. In this article, we will guide you on how to write a biodata for marriage in relaxed Spanish language.

Personal Details

The first section of a biodata is personal details. It should include your name, age, height, weight, and other physical attributes. You should also mention your religion, caste, and sub-caste if applicable. Additionally, mention your contact details, such as phone number and email address.


Mi nombre es Ana y tengo 27 años. Soy de estatura media, peso 55 kilos y tengo ojos verdes. Soy de religión católica y pertenezco a la casta 'X'. Mis datos de contacto son +34 123456789 y ana@email.com.


The education section should include your academic qualifications, such as degrees, diplomas, and certificates. Mention the name of the institution, the course, and the year of completion. If you have any additional qualifications, such as language proficiency or computer skills, mention them too.


Tengo una licenciatura en psicología de la Universidad de Madrid y una maestría en consejería matrimonial de la Universidad de Barcelona. Además, tengo un certificado de nivel avanzado en inglés de la Universidad de Cambridge.


In this section, mention your current job or business and your designation. If you are unemployed, mention your last job and the reason for leaving. Also, mention your income, if you feel comfortable mentioning it.


Actualmente, trabajo como consejera matrimonial en una clínica privada. Mi salario anual es de 40,000 euros.

Family Background

The family background section should include details about your parents, siblings, and extended family. Mention their names, professions, and education. Also, mention if there are any specific requirements or preferences for the partner regarding the family background.


Mi padre es un empresario exitoso, y mi madre es ama de casa. Tengo un hermano menor que está estudiando ingeniería. Busco un compañero que provenga de una familia bien educada y tenga valores similares a los nuestros.

Hobbies and Interests

This section is an opportunity to showcase your personality and interests. Mention your hobbies, such as reading, traveling, or playing sports. Also, mention any social or cultural activities you are involved in, such as volunteering or attending music concerts.


Me encanta leer libros de autoayuda y viajar a países exóticos. También soy miembro de un grupo de voluntarios que trabaja por el bienestar de los niños.

Partner Preferences

In this section, mention your preferences for the partner. Mention the age range, height, education, and profession. Also, mention any specific qualities or attributes you are looking for in the partner.


Busco un compañero de edad similar o mayor que yo, que tenga al menos una licenciatura y esté bien establecido en su carrera. También me gustaría que sea respetuoso, comprensivo y tenga valores familiares sólidos.


In the last section, mention the names and contact details of two or three people who can vouch for your character and background. These can be family members, friends, or colleagues.


Los nombres y contactos de mis referencias se proporcionarán a petición.

En resumen, escribir una biodata para el matrimonio puede parecer abrumador al principio, pero siguiendo estas pautas, puedes crear un documento efectivo que te ayude a encontrar a tu compañero perfecto. ¡Buena suerte!

¡Que tengas un feliz matrimonio!

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